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Course Time: 1.5 Hours

Training to Respond to and Recover from COVID-19 Coronavirus

Course Description

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Course Time: 1.5 Hours

Enroll in Course for $19


This Course Is Free For Coronavirus Training Bundle Members. Purchase the Coronavirus Training Bundle Today: Click Here!

The COVID-19 coronavirus global pandemic has disrupted societies across the world. The virus is causing individuals to adjust their lives and adapt to the new normal. During this time of uncertainty, many are facing increased stress and anxiety. Some are working longer hours, serving children of front-line workers, and implementing new business models. Others are struggling financially, unable to work, and unsure when the next paycheck may arrive. Also, children have seen their routines interrupted, and their schools and child care programs closed.

Through a mix of slides, graphics, videos, and real-world scenarios, our online training course experts will teach participants about mental health and behavioral health, and how to cope during the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. We will provide information and resources to help identify and understand some of the feelings you, your clients and parents, and your children may be experiencing. We will also provide actionable tips and tools that you can use to reduce levels of stress and anxiety today – as well as provide information that you should be taking into consideration when thinking about reopening your program/facility.

Learning Goals and Objectives:

  • Identify the causes of stress and typical reactions to stressful situations in both children and adults.

  • Identify how children and adults manage, handle, and process stress differently.

  • Discuss techniques that can serve as ways to reduce stress and build resilience.

  • Discuss considerations for those working in stressful situations  - burnout, compassion, and fatigue. 

  • Describe considerations for individuals with developmental disabilities.

  • Describe strategies that can be used when attempting to return to normal after an incident or situation.

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Purchase the coronavirus bundle for access to this course and more!

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